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A Memory of Judge Cone

This article appeared in the Atlanta Journal, on March 1, 1883

A Memory of Judge Cone

Forty Years Ago

A gentleman gives the following reminiscences of Judge Cone to the Eatonton Messenger.

Forty years ago Eatonton was a fast town. Gambling of all kinds, cockfighting and horse racing was the rule, as it is the exception now. Why, sir, at one term of the court, 1845 or 1846, the grand jury returned one true bill against forty persons, John W. Ashurst, solicitor general, and a number of prominent lawyers, included in one batch, for gaming. It was in this case that it is said Judge Cone made himself famous.

When the case was reached, all of the dependents arose and plead guilty. Judge Cone fined each of thin ten dollars and cost, and lectured them severely upon the uselessness and immorality of such habits, and the viciousness of the example which they were setting for the youth of the country. Then commanding the dependents to to take their seats, with a solemn face, but a merry twinkle in his eye, he turned to the clerk and said:

"Now, Mr. Clerk, enter after these cases, State of Georgia vs. Judge Cone. Gaming, special information by his honor; plea of guilty and fine him one hundred dollars and costs. Call the next case, sir."

* February 19, 2003 Reuben Cone
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