

This is version 35 of this website, which will celebrate it's 31st year of lying around and being vaguely webby this year. Over its history, it has assumed a variety of poses, costumes, and technologies. This is the latest.

Some things remain evergreen even after almost 20 years: I flipped the color palette on its head, but the colors themselves persist - rooted in and around the color #aabbcc, because ... of course. I still love the fonts Parkland and Riverside (It should not be this difficult to find the original designer/company of Riverside; Gah!) - but I changed up how I am using them. Verdana and Georgia remain the body text fonts of choice.

Previous versions of this site were either hand-coded or used content management systems like movable type and drupal to manage all the content; hand-coded versions have utilized everything from vi to Homesite. (Yes, I do tend to boomerang back and forth between useful tools and slinging html like the grumpy old woman I am.) This one was updated with whatever came to hand. If you are really interested, you can see some of the images used in previous versions of the website.

For this version, I used Pixelmator, TextEdit, and BBEdit to put together the basic pages after becoming discontented with all of my technology options.

As you browse the site, you will come across older pages and subsites whose overall appearance hasn't been updated for years. Enjoy the odd, experimental, and embarrassing design choices I've made in the past. Feel free to judge me silently.

All content on the website is mine, mine, mine (unless I explicitly say otherwise). I retain all rights to my work. I am generally pretty generous about sharing if you ask me first.

That said, do not claim my work as your own or use it to gift yourself ostriches and small island hideaways. This includes my professional portfolio and exemplars of the work I created for a variety of employers and clients. If you try to claim my work as your own, you will be caught. Many of my friends & ex-colleagues are in hiring positions all over the country, and they know my work. Don't be the next one to be caught.

TL;DR: If you are going to steal my work, please don't be an idiot while doing it.