
Gallery of Rejected Designs



Ghirandello Garden Company*

Type of Project:
Small Corporate Website, the first for a regional garden/landscaping company.

Project Purpose:
"We want something that is elegant and graceful - something that befits the company."

Design Discussion:
The company had no idea what they wanted at all, so these three concepts present entirely different types of website.

The idea was to spark ideas for potential site features and characteristics, information architectures, and functionalities.

The similarity of the visual design in each case was to focus the client upon the content of the site, without losing the thread of how it may presented in the future.

Rejection Rationale:
They hated the visual design (particularly the colors), and felt overwhelmed by any e-commerce elements. They liked the simplicity of the options in the first screen, the rollover image and quirky naming from the second screen, and the "large and in-charge" presentation of menu items in the third.

They also liked the background effect of option number 3, and felt it was important to always have something "gardenny" on the screen at all times.

After some guidance, the clients decided to build a basic site architecture around locations, events, recommendations, occasional features, and information for contacting the shop for feedback, requests, and information about ordering from GCC.

The GCC ended up assigning the visual design of the site to one of their employees.

* Names and topics have been changed to ensure confidentiality.




Julia Hayden     Resume     feedback@julen.net
