I like making things. I'm an artist, a craftsman, an artisan, and someone who likes to futz around.
I've made and sold paintings, mosiacs, jewelry, mixed-media, prints, and a variety of digital products ranging from brand and identity design to patterns to print-ready prints. They range from tiny pendants to my king-size version of the beekeeper's quilt (ravelry link), which is the closest thing to combining mosaics and knitting that I've found.
I like to recycle and reuse things; when a beloved piece of china breaks or I come across a 1912 children's book missing its covers and half the pages, I see an opportunity. I've bought scraps of glass from traditional stained glass artists, and rescued broken glass from framed art. I have piles of leftover bits of paper that will be useful in the future: I plan to reuse it all. There is so much great design in old stamps and calendars, in modern dishes, in odd bits of metal, and in broken costume jewelry that it seems a shame to not use it. So I do. Behold some of my creations: